by Aaron Mystery
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was 2009. Shall we begin?
I think the best way to cover fifty or so new videos is by series. Therefore I'll start with the B.E. Quickies, the bread and butter of Suckermouth since 2006. Let it be said that - with exceptions - what makes a Quickie is basically that it comes in at under a minute in length, features little or no dialog, and doesn't usually fit into larger series. Alternate or clipped scenes from longer projects can also show up as Quickies, as in the case of the first Quickie of 2009.
The non-canon Harriett Potter B.E. vid was basically a breast expansion morph that wasn't featured in the equivalent "Wand Day After Another Episode." The less said about this Quickie the better. The following Quickie, "Drinking Bosom Buddies," was much more to my liking, with full animation and three characters transforming, including a great M2F transformation. Unfortunately, it was followed by "Growing Nowhere Fast," which was another case of just a couple breast expansion morphs, albeit with two women and disappearing clothes.
But the fourth B.E. Quickie of 2009, "Punky Boobster," was the culmination of years of frustration and (unfocused) planning. To dislike Soleil Moon Frye because she chopped her breasts off is my right, but having it torture me for so many years was unacceptable. This animation is Breast Expansion Parody as revenge if you will. It was well done, extremely well-received, and set the bar for Quickies in 2009.
"Heavy Lifting" was my first lesbian vid attempt of the year. Unfortunately, the video was hampered by an uneven application of various half-formed ideas. I remember having my share of technical issues on this one as well, which surely impacted the result. The lesbian scene at the end is fairly solid but cheapened by all the junk at the beginning. Definitely a case of too clever by half. I followed the Keep-It-Simple-Stupid philosophy to a fault with next Quickie "Let's Make a Bimbo," another vid that is essentially a breast expansion morph featuring three models. At least the rendering quality is solid.
Determined to find a way to pull off an interesting Quickie, I was so happy with "B.E.clipse," I rendered it twice - with separate latex and nude versions. These vids were a lot of fun, with a cameo by Ace the Zombie to boot. These two variations performed very well, but I knew I wanted better. I didn't think "Arsesome Boobage" was necessarily it, but maybe it was the focus on the butt expansion that made it a very successful animation. This cartoon also featured the Nerd-to-Hottie phenomenon in addition to the butt, hips, and breast inflation.
Still frustrated that I hadn't recaptured the greatness that was "Punky Boobster," I took on the biggest villain in the last decade - Flo from the Progressive Commercials. I don't need to go on and on about how annoying she is - and this animation was made months ago! (These days I have to change the channel when these commercials come on, they annoy me so much.) So I took on this obnoxious marketing campaign with a parody. "Obsessive" is everything I like in a breast expansion Quickie - obvious parody, a subject who deserves what she gets, Ace the Zombie, solid rendering and breast expansion. Not to leave out the fact that the model's jeans pop open as her ass expands - always one of my favorite concepts. This animation is so dead on and true-to-life that I have trouble watching it now, as it feels too much like watching the real thing.
"BEach Ball" was a decent follow-up, but it was plagued by a persistent technical glitch that left me frustrated and exhausted. Although the "self-love" and beach ball play are quite good, this one didn't seem to gain much traction. 2009 didn't seem to be living up to my expectations as far as what I hoped to accomplish; there needed to be a big change.
The B.E. Quickie named "Vegas" altered Suckermouth animations forever. For the first time, a woman was speaking in a Suckermouth cartoon, and it wasn't me doing the voices! A sexy British voice and equally attractive model captivated fans and proved that I was not willing to sit still in 2009. The introduction of real female voices opened up hundreds of possibilities that I did not feel were there before.
Although I'm going to go into the extraneous garbage at the end of this Year-In-Review series of articles, around this time a great tragedy occurred when YouTube deleted the channel that had existed before Suckermouth and garnered me nearly seven million video views. Worse yet, some of these (oldest) videos had been lost in a hard drive crash, and their only known location was YouTube. One of the most popular vids on this YouTube channel had been "Male to Female Transformation," an early attempt to say the least; it had racked up about 250,000 views before the channel was deleted. Out of frustration and a desire to recreate an old animation (only better) I released "MTF 2009" and enjoyed the positive reaction. [There are actually two versions of this vid, with the full nude being available on Suckermouth; the other - with boxer briefs - is actually superior, and will be uploaded as an alternate if and when a M2F channel is created for Suckermouth.]
Up to this point, my favorite Suckermouth animation of all had been "B.E. Hive," a great Quickie from 2008 featuring lots of action, scenery, breast expansion, and - oh, yeah - tentacles. This animation just rocks, and the song - "Memory Full" - is one of my favorites that my band Brethren and the Evil Empire has ever recorded. So I decided to make a follow-up in 2009 with "B.E. Hive 2". While the video attempts to improve upon the original, with ripping clothes and much more impressive breast expansion, the original remained my favorite animation nonetheless. You know how sequels go...
"Zap!" was an interesting Quickie, in that not only is it a fun little comic-styled vid with a great contraption (the chair), but it was a preview of sorts for my favorite new project of the year - Transformation Fantasy Force. And while "Zap!" was itself quite simple, what followed were a batch of Quickies done on the fly and without enough heart. "Ice Cream Barbara" and "December-May" are age progression and regression morphs, respectively, neither of which impress me too much. The B.E. Quickie "Dancer" had the beginnings of something sexy, but I wish I had spent more time on it. Considering I went back to yet another uninspired age regression morph (with clothed and nude alternates, no less), it's no surprise I'm not tripping over myself to praise either version of "Mall Cougar."
Partly fueled by my so-called murder at the hands of Ace the Zombie, "AceScapes" played on the popular hunter-becomes-the-hunted theme, but suffered from misdirection and lack of finesse; it also feels unfinished in some ways. It wasn't until "The Chair" that I felt Quickies returned to their best form. This vid has everything going for it: Clothes being ripped and cut off; bouncing, swelling breasts; and a return to my favorite B.E. contraption.
Things only got better from there, thanks to my G.I. Grow concept. Planned as a Featurette, this series started and finished strong, from guns and B.E. pills to water and syringes. There was clothes ripping, a strip tease, and even the Chair makes a return. These videos still represent the best of what I am capable of with Quickies; I am very proud of all three episodes.
Technically, "B.E. Strip Tease 4" came out before the third G.I. Grow animation, but in some ways I think of it as part of the series, in that the model in this wonderful strip tease vid is named "Uncover Me Girl" (a parody of Joe's Cover Girl). After talking down the earlier animations of 2009, I must say this video is what I aspire to. It is so sexy, with big, bouncing boobs popping out from clothing; the butt shaking near the end is also incredible.
It is a tragedy that the third G.I. Grow vid was the last Quickie I made before The Great Darkness; Starting with "The Chair," I was really on a roll like never before. Shortly after this was published, my computer died, and I spent two months getting the runaround from the computer shop. By the time I got a new computer, I just wanted to get something done quick so you knew I wasn't really dead, and didn't think that Ace the Zombie hadn't finally returned to Hell for good. "Glad to be Back" represents that minimalist approach, little more than a breast and butt expansion morph with a no background whatsoever. However, it served its purpose to serve notice to the world that I was back.
"Big Elfin' Deal" and "Nerd No More" are only slightly less forgettable, but they are better, to be sure. Each video does have its charm, from the cuteness of the elf in "Big Elfin' Deal," or the cool clothes-disappearing trick in "Nerd No More." And thankfully, both have plenty of atmosphere and scenery.
As the last B.E. Quickie of 2009, "Changing Room," is pretty good. There's lots of movement and growth. Any chance to see a naked woman with huge breasts dancing in a shopping mall is worth taking. Although I don't consider it up to the standard of the G.I. Grow or "Strip Tease 4" Quickies, it does point us in the right direction going into 2010.
Well, that's the rundown for B.E. Quickies in 2009, and the conclusion of Part 1 of our Year-In-Review. Again, the year had its ups and downs, but stands head-and-shoulders above 2008, which was a great year in its own right. Thank you for continuing to support Suckermouth (and me), and you can look forward to the Year-In-Review Part 2 soon, when I take a look at the Giantess material released in 2009.
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